Naked at Lunch: Adventures of a Reluctant Nudist

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We are safely away and you can now enjoy a . . .' There was a pause, as if the Cruise Director was having trouble choosing what, exactly, he should call what was about to happen. Finally he said, '. . . a carefree environment.'
Folk have been naked in public for centuries. But being a nudist is more complicated than simply stripping off. In Naked at Lunch , Mark Haskell Smith uncovers nudism's fascinating history – and gets involved, baring all himself.
He visits a Spanish town where clothing is optional, and travels to the largest nudist resort in the world: a hedonist's paradise in the south of France. From clothes-free hiking in the Austrian Alps to a Caribbean cruise on the 'Big Nude Boat', Haskell Smith takes us on an entertaining frolic through the good, the bad, and the just plain naked.
'A thoughtful and entertaining analysis of why so many still want to ditch their clothes and let it all hang out.' Kirkus Review